Utilicé la prueba ShieldsUp de Steve Gibson en enlace .
La prueba de todos los puertos de servicio dice que todo es verde (sigilo), espere uno azul (cerrado).
Lo intenté varias veces y una vez, me dio 2 azules, el resto verde. El azul parece cambiar de ubicación / puerto.
GRC Port Authority Report created on UTC: 2017-01-09 at 12:30:20
Results from scan of ports: 0-1055
0 Ports Open
1 Ports Closed
1055 Ports Stealth
1056 Ports Tested
NO PORTS were found to be OPEN.
The port found to be CLOSED was: 135
Other than what is listed above, all ports are STEALTH.
TruStealth: FAILED - NOT all tested ports were STEALTH,
- NO unsolicited packets were received,
- NO Ping reply (ICMP Echo) was received.
**Solicited TCP Packets: RECEIVED (FAILED) — As detailed in the port report below, one or more of your system's ports actively responded to our deliberate attempts to establish a connection. It is generally possible to increase your system's security by hiding it from the probes of potentially hostile hackers. Please see the details presented by the specific port links below, as well as the various resources on this site, and in our extremely helpful and active user community.**
Unsolicited Packets: PASSED — No Internet packets of any sort were received from your system as a side-effect of our attempts to elicit some response from any of the ports listed above. Some questionable personal security systems expose their users by attempting to "counter-probe the prober", thus revealing themselves. But your system remained wisely silent. (Except for the fact that not all of its ports are completely stealthed as shown below.)
Ping Echo: PASSED — Your system ignored and refused to reply to repeated Pings (ICMP Echo Requests) from our server.*
¿Es bueno que haya conseguido tanto sigilo?
¿Pero qué pasa con los paquetes TCP?