Truco necesario para hacer uso de una vulnerabilidad de desbordamiento de búfer local para obtener la raíz


Estoy trabajando en un cierto CTF que intenta obtener privilegios de root, encontré un programa vulnerable a la vulnerabilidad de desbordamiento de búfer con un nivel de seguridad de pila no ejecutable (NX). Desarrollé un exploit para primero omitir NX y luego ejecutar un código de shell. el problema es que solo puedo activar la vulnerabilidad de gdb (depurador) y necesito activarlo en el entorno real para obtener la raíz,

El programa vulnerable:

#include <time.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <unistd.h> 
#include <fcntl.h>
#define USIZE 12
#define ISIZE 4

  struct f {
    char user[USIZE];
    //int user;
    int secret;
    int admin;
    int session;

void flushit()
char c;
while (( c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF) { }//flush input

void printmaps() {

  int fd = open("/proc/self/maps", O_RDONLY);
if (fd==0) exit(1);
 unsigned char buffer[3000];//should be enough

memset(buffer, 0, sizeof buffer);
  read(fd, buffer, 2990);
for(int i=0;i<3000;i++)
if (buffer[i]>127){buffer[i]=0;break;}  //dont print too much

  printf("\n%s\n\n", buffer);


void copy(unsigned char * src, unsigned char * dst,int length) {

  FILE * ptr;

  ptr = fopen(src, "rb");
  if (ptr == 0) exit(1);
  fread(dst, length, 1, ptr); /*
HTB hint: yes you can read every file you want,
but reading a sensitive file such as shadow is not the 
intended way of sovling this,'s just an alternative way of providing input !
tmp is not listable so other players cant see your file,unless you create a guessable file such as /tmp/bof !*/



void createusername() {
//I think  something's bad here
unsigned char for_user[ISIZE];

  printf("\nFilename:  ");

  char fn[30];
  scanf(" %28s", & fn);

  copy(fn, for_user,USIZE);



char print() {

  char action = 0;

  printf("\n\n\t-----MENU-----\n1) leave message to admin\n2) print session ID\n3)login (admin only)\n4)change user\n5)exit\n\n action: ");
  scanf(" %1c", & action);
  switch (action) {

  case '1':
    return '1';

  case '2':
    return '2';

  case '3':
    return '3';

  case '4':
    return '4';

  case '5':
    return '5';

    printf("\nplease type a number between 1 and 5\n");
    return 0;



void printdeb(int deb) {
  printf("\ndebug info: 0x%x\n", deb);

void debug() {

  printf("\nthis function is problematic on purpose\n");
  printf("\nI'm trying to test some things...and that means get control of the program! \n");

  char vuln[64];

  printf("vulnerable pointer is at %x\n", vuln);
  printf("memory information on this binary:\n", vuln);


  printf("\nFilename:  ");

  char fn[30];
  scanf(" %28s", & fn);
  copy(fn,vuln,100);//this shall trigger a buffer overflow



void attempt_login(int shouldbezero, int safety1, int safety2) {

  if (safety2 != safety1) {
  if (shouldbezero == 0) {
    printf("\naccess denied!\n");
  } else debug();


void printstr(char * s, int c) {
  printf("\nparam %s is %x\n", s, c);


int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
"push $0x00000001\n"
"push $0x0003add6\n"
"push $0xb7e1a000\n"
"call 0x37efcd50\n"
"add $0x0c,%esp\n"

"push $0x00000005\n"
"push $0x0003a000\n"
"push $0xb7e1a000\n"
"call 0x37efcd50\n"
"add $0x0c,%esp\n"


 int sess= rand();

  struct timeval tv;
  gettimeofday( & tv, NULL);

  int whoopsie=0;
  int protect = tv.tv_usec |0x01010101;//I hate null bytes...still secure !

  hey.secret = protect;
  hey.session = sess;
  hey.admin = 0;


  while (1) {
    char action = print();

    if (action == '1') {
      //I striped the code for security reasons !

    } else if (action == '2') {
    } else if (action == '3') {
      attempt_login(hey.admin, protect, hey.secret);
      //I'm changing the program ! you will never be to log in as admin...
      //I found some bugs that can do us a lot of harm...I'm trying to contain them but I think I'll have to
      //write it again from scratch !I hope it's completely harmless now ...

    else if(action=='4')createusername();
    else if (action == '5') return;



también me gustaría añadir que podría ser útil saber

 john@ubntu:~$ find / -perm -u=s -type f
    /home/john/application/goodluck <- which has the local BOF vuln
pregunta HAlmusajjen 11.09.2017 - 12:27

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